Ayurvedic massage

Ayurvedic (Indian) massages at the ARPANA Ayurvedic Medical Center

Ayurvedic massage is the basis of Panchakarma (complete purification of the organism) and one of the basic methods of Ayurveda that is used to regenerate the organism.

Ayurvedic massage at the ARPANA Ayurvedic Medical Center is applied according to the rules of classical Ayurveda, which has over five thousand years of history.

Ayurvedic massage is carried out on special tables-basins with the use of healing oils imported from India, which strengthen the massage's effect on the body.

Like other methods of Ayurveda, each Ayurvedic massage is prescribed and carried out on a strictly individual basis, following rigorous diagnosis by the Ayurvedic doctor,  Singh Surinder   which make it possible to establish with precision the character of the problem and determine the very best methods for resolving it. Ayurvedic massage is done with the hands and feet, with linen bags containing healing herbs, or a special broth of red rice.

The most effective Ayurvedic massage is in combination with Ayurvedic procedures, phytotherapy (Ayurvedic medicines), and individual correction of diet.

 Ayurvedic massage enables:

- elimination of muscle tension,

- relaxation and increasing elasticity of the muscles,

- eliminating spasm and hypertonus of the muscles of the back and of the whole body,

- normalization of activity of the lymphatic system (lymph drainage),

- improvement of blood circulation and delivery of blood to the organism,

- purification of the muscle tissues from toxins and waste products,

- improvement of metabolic processes.


Thanks to such a multi-faceted approach, Ayurvedic massage at the ARPANA Ayurvedic Medical Center is successfully used in cases of:

- joint pain (arthritis and arthrosis),

- osteochondrosis,

- radiculitis,

- myalgia and dorsalgia,

- illnesses connected with disturbance of the nervous system.


Ayurvedic massage allows a removal of psychological tension, improvement of sleep, increasing of mental and physical capacities, elimination of the effects of stress, headaches, and chronic fatigue.

Ayurvedic massage also raises immunity, slows the aging process, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and has a rejuvenating effect.